The Gypsy's Caravan
Monday, May 28, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Good Planets are Hard to Find
From Linda and Denny Braun:
From Wrenaissance Woman:

From River Sider, who blogs at The Ribble Cycle Diaries

From Yankee Transferred:
I stepped outside to go to my car one evening and looked west toward downtown. Here is the sky over the city at dusk.
"Yankee T"
From C Corax:
Again, Robin encouraged me to send these photos. I'm dedicating them to her, because I took them on her birthday.

I set up a folding stool and tripod, and watched this flicker for almost an hour as she enlarged her nest hole.

Two from Susannah at Wanderin' Weeta (With Waterfowl and Weeds)

This one's from Dave Dorsey at the Bird Treatment & Learning Center:

My wife Ruth took this at Moose Pass, Alaska this past Sunday. A beautiful day with a beautiful view.
Dave blogs at BirdTLC
From Liza Lee Miller :

Near Big Sur, Central California Coast. Cows, wildflowers, cliffs, ocean. Does it get any better than this?
From My own trip yesterday to The Garden in the Woods, in Massachusetts:
From Robin Andrea At The Dharma Bums:
Here are two pics for Good Planets. I couldn't choose between them. The first one is a true view of how we see the world.

*Remember, click the pic for a larger view

Susannah of Wanderin Weeta has very generously offered to host Good Planets for June. Her email address is susannah AT dccnet DOT com
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Dems, GOP claim victory with Iraq funding bill

The White House initially was cool to the idea of imposing consequences against the Iraqi government for failing to meet benchmarks, even though the president would be allowed to ignore the restriction if he wants.
Shorter on Iraq bill:
Republicans: Ha ha, You Blinked!
Democrats: Nya unh, we packed it with funding the pretzeldent didn't want!
Prez: "Now congress, don't you throw me in no Briar Patch!"
Misty Morning
These little Robin chicks are rooming at my son's house, just for the next few weeks.
I don't know what this guy is called, but he was hopping all over the dirt road in front of me.
Maybe he has a nest in here... As I walked over to take this pic, another one flew out of the bushes
I will be hosting the Good Planets are Hard to Find this weekend, please send your pics to SBGypsy at hotmail dot com.
*as always, click on the pic to open a larger view
Monday, May 21, 2007
What I did on my Weekend
** This weekend I will be hosting another
Good Planets Are Hard To Find
picture extravaganza! email your pics before Saturday morning :
SBGypsy at hotmail dot com
Friday, May 18, 2007
Dear Mr pResident
For someone who went AWOL during the Vietnam Conflict, your words ring hollow. Is it honoring our military personnel to send them into battle with no plan, no goal, and no end in sight?
Our colleges and universities are there to educate our youth and prepare them for life, not for death in some city on the other side of the planet. Let our young people live to solve our problems instead of sending them off to die, all the while making our problems worse.
The choice is between Life or death - and you seem to have chosen death for our young people.
Shame on you.
As for Mr Guiliani...
Who would Jesus torture?
from Democratic Underground Alberto Gonzales' Harvard class "82 send him an open letter about his lawless behavior. 56 signatures. hattip: Crooks & Liars
And another by John Dean about the Attorney General's Scandal.
From Specious Reasoning Bush shows his love for the troops, says they don't need no raise in pay, and refuses to buy American first. hattip: Democratic Underground
And finally, though I do not support his run for president, Mr Ron Paul has something to say to Mr Guiliani:
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Woah - Tornados in Connecticut????
Yesterday afternoon as I drove home, we had a terrific storm, with three areas of tornadic winds. Unheard of weather for CT! Yes, we get hurricanes, about every 20 years one howls up the coast and strafes Long Island before it grinds up the Connecticut River Valley. And we get snow storms that sometimes dump snow measured in ft rather than in. But, I've never heard of tornados here.
Oh, rest assured we didn't get damage of the magnitude of what tornado alley endures every spring. A barn was imploded, trees down over power wires, a couple towns without power. No big deal, really. I'm just wondering what's in store for us as the atmosphere warms up...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
John Edwards : Work for Peace

John Edwards has a call to work for peace on this coming Memorial Day - good read, over at The Huffington Post
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Good Planets
From Yankee Transplant:
I took this picture in the Botanic Gardens in Montreal in 1998 when I was vacationing with my daughters.
From Liza Lee Miller:

Sometimes the smallest things are filled with beauty. These are the flowers on my glorious Maple Tree. Tiny and hidden but just last weekend, I found a tiny Maple tree seedling in my yard so I know they are filled with power.
From KerrdeLune:
I am attaching two images for Good Planet. The first image is of willow catkins in our woods in the Lanark Highlands,

...and the second is a red trillium from the same place.

From Pam in Tucson:

Here's my favourite pic of this week. I've already posted it on my blog, ( Tortoise Trail ) but I really wanted to share it with Good Planets. I don't know what kind of cactus this is. The plants are only about 3 feet tall and are growing in a front-yard planter in our neighbourhood. There were five of these enormous flowers on one plant and three on another. They were in bloom for only two days before they shrivelled up.
From C. Corax:
With encouragement from Robin, I'm submitting my photo of two fox kits. Good Planets tends to leave me in such stupefied awe of others' photo-taking abilities, I'm somewhat embarrassed by this, but it was the best I could do, and the critters are so danged cute! Kit #2 is directly below the obvious one.

I'm also attaching a photo of a lovesick wood frog (though not so lovesick that he didn't have time to check out my dog and me). I think it's been awhile since there's been a photo of an amphibian.

From Robin Andrea:

Here's my pic. It's not the clearest photo of a Great Blue Heron, but it captures the absolute grace of this beautiful bird. Funny how the photo looks like a black and white pic. It's not, but that's the pacific northwest for you, shades of black, white, and gray. (if you're here, you probably already know that Robin Andrea blogs at The Dharma Bums )
From Evan,
From Susannah over at Wanderin' Weeta's

From Tara Crowley:

sun beat down and others were gathering flowers, I
walked with my camera and marveled at this tranquil,
bountiful space. The world in microcosim.

And that's the Good Planets Are Hard to Find post for this week. And what a luscious collection it is. Wonderful gorgeous photos all, and thank you for sending them. If you sent a pic and it's not posted, please send it again for inclusion in the May 24 posting. SBGypsy at Hotmail dot com
*People have asked if there's a theme - I'm a no-holds-barred kind of person, so the basic rules apply: Show the beauty of our good planet, in all it's abundance and glory - try not to show people or houses, unless of the picturesque variety.
**as always, click on the pic for a larger view