Woo Hoo, SNOW Day!
UPDATE: 11:50am

The other night was the last lunar eclipse for another two years, and I heard it would be a lot longer before we have another total eclipse. The date was on my calendar from the first mention. When the night came around, though, I was all snuggly in my bed, half asleep. Hubby was enthusiastically planning on going out in the frigid cold to watch. I was willing to let him.

Now, I was pretty tired that night, so I must admit I was a little grouchy when Hubby got into bed and started whispering in my ear: Sweetie, you really want to see this, you should come out with me... You'll regret it tomorrow if you don't get up.... You could get a picture for your blog.... It's not really cold out there, it's like a summer night... (this last outrageous lie was what got me out of bed.. ;)
ME, tongue planted firmly in cheek: Oh, Sweatheart, if you really loved me, you'd put my camera on the tripod and take the pic for me...

So, I was up the other night to get pics of the eclipse, and I, for the first time, put the 70-300mm zoom lens on my Nikon. I'm afraid I was half asleep, and didn't look at the lens before I went out in the pitch dark and cold. I got the camera on the tripod, but didn't figure out in the dark how to do the zoom.

Today I finally had the time to mess with it, and I have to say I have a new toy to play with now. Oooo the closeups! Nikon has some pretty good anti shake mechanism going on, the pics were rock steady.

Happy Winter, Folks!