
The National office of the AFLCIO is rumored to have decided that they will support the winner of the Democratic primary.
update: here's the latest from Jane Hamsher, over at Firedoglake about LIEberman:
...Except it isn’t just bloggers, and it isn’t just happening in New Haven. Recently at an event callled "Celebrate West Hartford" a volunteer was handing out Lieberman stickers to a child while the mother was in the food line. As soon as the mom saw the sticker plastered on her kid she jumped the food line, raced over and ripped it off the kid’s shirt and said "no way" as she tore it to pieces. How very awkward for Joe.
Then there was the guy at the Willimantic parade who was heckling Joe about the war. Joe’s pharmaceutical lobbyist wife Hadassah (side note: Lieberman is coincidentally one of the top Senatorial recipients of Big Pharma cash) tried to step in and defuse things, but another parade patron asked "how many of your kids are serving in Iraq, Mrs. Lieberman?" The couple made a quick exit before answering the question, so I guess we’ll never know.
Those wishing to witness the marvels achieved in modern follicle relocation at the Stamford event will only be culled from the LieberFaithful by RSVP.
So, I guess Lieberman is getting more and more like his master (Bushco) every day - RSVP indeed!
He deserves what he gets. When your campaign has to go behind closed doors to be protected from people's opinions, you might want to rethink how you have been doing things.
Gypsy - what do you think will happen if Lieberman runs as either a lone Democrat or an Independent? Will he split the Democratic vote? Or attract moderate Republicans? And will either circumstance help Lamont or hurt him? This election could be key when it comes to the Democratic Party’s chances in 2008. If Lieberman (and by extension those who say they'll support him over the elected Democratic nomine) shafts the Democratic Party and the electoral process by refusing to support Lamont - do you think that means the Democratic Party is cruisin' for one hell of a bruisen'?
Hey, POP,
Really - he was just on air tuesday, complaining of harassment, when it was just one of his supporters, trying to figure out why he's been shafting us.
Hey, TFLS,
Just before the debate, they did a poll, and found that Joe would win as an independent 56% in the general election. That was with more than half the Dems voting for him. Since the debate, 78% of the dems(unscientific poll) have registered their preference for Lamont.
Lieberman continues to get "harassed"(questioned) by his base, and is getting more and more hostile about it. He's setting up Photo ops in the mold of Bushco - with no dissent allowed.
He's alienating the very people who should be his natural base, and for what?? For the crumbs that the republicans throw at his feet, just to watch him scrabble around in the dust and get a good belly laugh.
The fact that he thinks he can win the general election without the "D" after his name just shows how much of his real base is republican.
Connecticut Dems deserve more, and Lamont is ready to give it. He may peel off the few triangulating Dems, who believe we have less to loose if he retains his seniority on committies. My hubby was one of those who would have voted for him just to be sure of keeping the seat, but after the debate, he changed his mind.
Ned Lamont covered alot of ground during the last 2/3 of the hour, and he really got his message out well.
The republican candidate is unknown, and so far has not really done anything to change that. Even with RapeGurneyJoe running indy, he only polled as getting 8% of the vote. I think this one is going to be Lieberman/Lamont all the way, and it's a wide open race right now. The fact that Lieberman has gone negative and Lamont is just speaking what most of us believe is a definate plus. Lieberman came off as a complete ass during the debate. He's used to making statements that are only challenged by people's memory. With Ned standing right next to him, putting the lie to most of what Joe was whining about, well he looked like he was the one out of touch. The fact that he's using republican tactics in a dem race is also resented.
There are also a whole lot of dems that are saying "I'd rather have a real republican in the seat than Lieberman". Hubby gave me a 15 min lecture in Feb when I made that statement. He made the statement himself last weekend.
Really? How interesting. You know - in that senate race in Ohio - the one where the Democratic Party asked Paul Hackett to step aside in favor of Sherrod Brown? Well - Brown has been trailing the Republican candidate by a heft margin. The Democratic Party had a chance to field a wonderful alternative to same old, same old - and they threw it away by forcing Hackett out. Looks like they might have thrown away a Democratic seat in Congress as well. I hope they don't do the same in your neck of the woods. Too many Democrats have been saying they will continue supporting Lieberman - even if he loses the primary. I'm glad you think that strategy will backfire.
Well, Biden didn't show up, and alot of his "friends" are running away from reporters just so they don't have to answer that question. Only a little more than three weeks, and we'll see what they do.
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