My pictures have not been coming out good lately, (could it be like atheletics, where your state of mind is so important?) So, I've dusted off some from the archive.

This one was a very delicate sunset, reflected on the waters of a lake.

So, what do you think?
(as always, click the pic for a larger view)
As always, I think they are beautiful. So what's up sweetie? Feeling a bit grey lately? It could be the season. I find that lack of sunlight can really affect me. I think I am looking forward to spring. Want something to make you smile? Click on over to Cute Overload and watch that video with the kitten and the hen. Very, very adorable. And hey - if they can get along - you'd think the rest of the world could as well, don't you think?
Hey FLS,
Not so much gray here, it's the brown dirt, and the cold. The snow is melted, which just leaves everything looking dirty and dead. Hard to find any beauty in it, and I don't really have time to go out looking - busy busy busy!
thanks for the link - what a cute video! And it covered a time period from kitten to cat. It was so cute to see the cat snuggling up to that hen.
I like these pictures. The bottom one is really terrific! Look out desktop:)
Soon, spring will be there, and before you know it, summer, too..
Check the batteries in your camera:) They might be low on energy.
Hey, Owl!
Check the batteries.... lol! Thanks for the chuckle, I needed that.
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