Monday, February 20, 2006

The High Price of Oil

You may wonder what the end of the oil age will bring. In his book, Crossing the Rubicon, Michael Rupert draws the picture:

Aside from the usual heating and transportation woes;

" Oil is also critical for our food supply. Quantitatively speaking, modern food production consumes ten calories of energy for every calorie contained in the food. when the farmer (or more likely the "agrigusiness employee") goes out to plant seeds, she drives a vehicle powered by oil. After planting she sprays the crop with fertilizers made from ammonia, which comes from natural gas. Then she sprays them several times with pesticides made from oil. She irrigates the crops with water that most likely has also been pumped by electricity generated by coal, oil or gas. Oil powers the harvest, transportation to processing plant, processing, refrigeration, and transport to the grocery store(to which you, the consumer, drive in an oil-powered vehicle).

You may pay for it with a piece of oil that you carry around in your wallet. Then you take it home, cook it by neans of either electricity or natural gas, and eat it on a plate that may have been made from or with oil, after which you wash the plate with a synthetic sponge that is also made of oil.

Consider this: out of six and a half billion people, there are about four billion who don't have, and who want all of the things I have just described........."

So, instead of seeking new tech and more sustainable ways of doing things, our brilliant leadership is emptying our treasury in the attempt to secure the remainder of what's in the ground for the US, even though the military has been proven ineffective at occupying areas that are not interested in being co-opted(certainly since 1776! duh ).

And now, since the research and development departments of all major industries and our own government have all been offshored, even if we were to divert some money from the massive war machine, it would not be paying our engineers and scientists, it would be sending the money and the benefit of the tech work to other countries.

Why do the Politicians hate America so much???

Cross-posted at The DarkWraith's Message Board


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