I heard the plow go thru around 4am

The falling snow gets caught in a little eddy of air right outside my kitchen window. It's wafted up and around and then hangs there in thin air, until the wind whips through and takes it all in a huff.

It's cold in the house. We're keeping the thermostats down to conserve. I'm wearing sweats, a turtleneck, and my full length terry robe with the hood(up). I guess I could fire up the coal stove, that sucker would heat this whole four bedroom house, if we set up fans to move the air back into the bedrooms. But that's a whole huge project, starting a coal fire.

The snow makes everything soooo quiet, I hear only the humm of my computer, and the wind nudging the windchimes, occasionally letting out a howl.

Our handsome little titmouse comes around looking for a snack inbetween blows.

The titmouse let me get within 2 feet of him(window in between), but this cardinal was not so easygoing.
Glad to hear you're OK. I was worried - that storm even hit us this far south with snow - so I know you're looking at something momentous. Matter of fact - its snowing here as I write - big, fluffy flakes. Tomorrow's gonna be a nightmare - people down here don't know how to handle even an inch of this!
Sorry to hear you're so cold. We tend to go the heavy sweater route here as well. Too damn expensive otherwise. Do you expect to be snowed in after all is said and done? Please do take care of yourself, my dear. I hope you and your hubby can take tomorrow off and not worry about navigating in all that mess.
Hey FLS,
Oh, we're actually used to this. I was glad I didn't have to go out in it, though Hubby went to work this morning (double time), in his 4wd truck. The plow has been by several times, and the roads are slippery but not impassible. They even sanded my road, 1st time this winter.
Our little town is not so rich, so we have several police cars, and we sand very little.(the town that I work in is more affluent, has no police cars, and sands every time - go figure)
I'll be at work tomorrow, have to be, or I won't be able to take off for valentines day! (our yearly nooner, heh heh)
great pictures. fls' comment was spot-on - people here freak out driving on snow (which as far as i'm concerned is not a big deal) then haul ass in their huge 4wd vehicles on ice - right into telephone poles and each other. the rest of us with half a brain cell stay home.
i thought about y'all yesterday when i saw the reports. glad you still have power. (or did when you wrote this.)
Looks like quite storm. The upside is the opportunity for great photographs. Those birds sure are cute. I love seeing cardinals.
Hope you have warmed up there.
Hey Andi,
That's the problem with 4wd, people think they can just drive like normal. 4wd gets you going, but stopping?.. not so much.
Hey RD,
I love the cardinals, the males are so showy. They even have red beaks.
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