Monday, January 30, 2006

No, Mr Bush, PHOTOS Did Not Disgrace the US

In this morning's news, Mr Bush is more worried about the semblance of disgrace than the disgraceful way our soldiers in Iraq were encouraged by our secret police to misuse and murder prisoners.

He points out that in publishing this material "I know it caused a lot of people who want to like us to question whether they should," Bush said, adding "equally importantly, it gave the enemy an incredible propaganda tool.

"That's why it was important for us to investigate, to expose, to hold people to account, so people see there was a consequence for the behaviour,"

Seriously, a propaganda tool??? People die, are horribly maimed and humiliated, and he mourns that we provided them with a Propaganda tool? Did all that cocaine and alcohol strip Mr Bush of all his humanity, or was he never taught it in the first place?

So, what are these consequences for Mr Rumsfeld? How about Dick Cheney - who insisted, and keeps insisting that we need to keep using these proscribed behaviors? How about you, Mr Bush? What are your consequences? When you signed the bill written by Senator McCain and voted for overwhelmingly by both houses of congress, you made it clear that you had no intention of obeying that law.

When do we get to witness your perp walk?


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