Wednesday, February 08, 2006

DNC: Get a Clue!

The Dark Wraith has pointed me to a post on Shades of Grey that very neatly set out a problem that we've been having with the Democratic party. I emailed a copy of it to the DNC, with this addendum:

...and I just want to close with, I'm darn tired of waiting for the Democratic party to get a clue. You chose probably the worst person to rebutt Mr Bush's SOTU adress, when the best person apparently already had a speech written, since he delivered it the very next day. I'm talking Rep Murtha, and his speech was a very inspiring one, unlike the one that Governor "Caterpillar Eyebrow" whatever his name is gave.

One might think that, instead of saving us from these evil republican bullies who are taking apart our government piece by piece, you are afraid of taking the reins when there's a depression coming, caused by said bullies' incompetent, profligate, and irresponsible leadership.

Shame on you, for letting us all go down the drain! I expected a fillibuster of Alito, and got nothing. If you don't use the only power you have, you in reality have no power at all, and it's your own fault. I want to belong to a party that fights for what our country has always stood for: Liberty and Justice for ALL!!

The Liberty part of that is being fast eroded, and the Justice part was just beginning (after 200 years of work) to bring fruit! ...and you're abandoning the fight? Where's the party solidarity? Why are you all trying to be republican lite, and ignoring your base??? Do you actually think anyone's going to vote republican lite, when there's real republicans to vote for?

Please, get your scene together!

sincerely, SB_Gypsy


Blogger TFLS said...

If only everyone put their money where their mouth was. You always do - you never sit and wait for someone else. Bravo!

3:45 AM, February 09, 2006  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

Awww, those guys just p*ss me off!

7:13 AM, February 09, 2006  
Blogger robin andrea said...

Excellent letter. You absolutely said it with passion and precision. Well done.

11:04 AM, February 09, 2006  
Blogger Missouri Mule said...

Spot on, sb gypsy! They do appear to be asleep at the wheel.

6:26 PM, February 09, 2006  

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