The Seven Times Seven Meme

Seven Things To Do Before I Die
I have to steal the first one from Old White Lady
1. Outlive George Bush and piss on his grave!
2. retire and live well, despite the coming bad times.
3. become a good photographer
4. develop a pottery shop out of my hobby
5. learn a little bit about web development
6. Witness the development of a real (spinning) space habitat
7. ...and yes, win the powerball, so maybe I could live in a real space hab!
Seven Things I Cannot Do
1. remember people's names (CRS syndrome*)
2. remember things I'm supposed to do (need a PDA -> there, I've admitted it, finally!)
3. sleep soundly with anyone else in the room.
4. I cannot lie well (so don't ask me if you don't want to hear it.)
5. sit in full lotus pose
6. join the military (past the cutoff age)
7. abide people in positions of responsibility taking advantage of their power to either enrich themselves at the expense of other people, or to abuse other people without penalty
Seven Things That Attract Me to...Blogging
1. Finding the active "salon" of intelligent people exchanging ideas and growing together in peace and goodwill and friendship
2. getting comments
3. being able to speak my mind, without having to worry about weather the people I'm speaking to are wingnuts
4. getting comments
5. seeing other people's pictures
6. getting comments
7. showing my pictures to everyone
Seven Things I Say Most Often
1. Hi Sweetheart
2. Dang!
3. I love you...
4. Where's the ^%#_*$#% WORKSHEET???
5. The Bastards!
6. When will you be able to pay invoice #....
7. We sent that check last week...
Seven Books That I Love
This is a hard one! (so many books, so little time)...OK, I can't do it by individual books, so I'm doing my favorite authors by genre:
1. Political: Starhawk, Sy Hersch
2. Anything to do with King Arthur - I've read every one that I've found so far.
3. Sci Fi: Asimov, Andre Norton, McCaffery, CJ Cherryh, The Darkover lady (what's her name? heh heh)
4. Mystery: PD James, Lilian Jackson Braun, JD Robb
5. Horror: Anne Rice
6. Fantasy: Tolkien (of course) Gayle Greeno, Fritz Leiber, Zelazny
Seven Movies That I would Watch Over and Over Again, If I ever watched movies... or, If I ever get a DVD player.
1. Fried Green Tomatos
2. On Golden Pond
3. The Star Wars Movies
4. Buckaroo Banzai
5. The Matrix movies
6. Sean Connery in that movie about the warriors who live forever and will fight down thru time until there is only one left......
(I know, he dies - he's still sexier than the star(be still, my beating heart))
7. Redford in his absolute best film ever: Jeremiah Johnson
Right now, every one I can think of has been tagged for this meme, so I'm going to put my thinking cap on and make up a new meme - coming soon.
*Can't Remember Sh*t Syndrome - the worst part of getting old!
All those sound good to me. I'm especially fond of #1.
The one I'd add is to live to see Democrats take back Congress in 06 and the White House in 08.
Oh, and I am soooo ready for that lotto win myself as well!
I had Jeremiah Johnson on my list too, but then it got bumped by something else (can't remember what). I love that movie.
I have a pretty good memory, but sometimes in the middle of speaking I forget a word, and it just won't come to me at all. One of the lesser known symptoms of menopause.
I still haven’t filled mine out yet – and I have that '4' one as well. Lord, has this been a busy week – or at least a long one! And let us not talk about menopause! No one told me about that memory thing. It just drives me wacky that I can't find the right word. That’s enough on it’s own to make you irritable right there!
Hey Wanda,
I think if the Republicans win in the 06 elections, there will be the start of an exodus, because it will mean that the little power the people have left has been usurped.
Hey RD,
That movie makes it for me, if only for the incredible scenery (not to mention the youthful Redford).
Whew, Menopause! I thought I might be getting alzheimers! The words tend to come a half a day later... after you don't need them anymore., and - my favorites!
Hey FLS,
I doesn't so much make me cranky, as embarassed, especially when my son starts finishing sentences for me in frustration, then I hafta say - no no, I meant....
Hey DPR - *chuckle* I must have forgotten more than I remember, by now.
Well, here's a comment. I think I read that you might like comments? Great answers to the meme! Happy New Year, SB_Gypsy! Let's win that powerball! :)
oh, now I read the comments you already had and remember that I forget a lot of stuff, as well... and what The Fat Lady Sings said about not being able to think of the correct word... goes double for me! It really is ANNOYING!
my word verification this time is alzknf - since alzheimer's starts with alz, do you think it's a bad omen for me? What do I do to counteract it? Throw salt over my right shoulder? Just not worry about it? Well, that is certainly what I'm going to do:)
Yes! I think you are a very good photographer! The bottom picture stayed as my background until Rexroth's Daughter posted those pictures from Peter Pan in Germany. The first one she posted, ended up making your's move. That one looks like the ice princess's forest. By the way, I'm sorry for cluttering up your comment thread, but you did say you liked comments:)
Hey, OWL,
I love getting comments!
The hard part about winning the Power ball is remembering to buy the ticket!
I'm so glad you like my pics, I've copied a few of yours for my wallpaper too!
OWL - I ended up with the third pic from RD's ice princess photos - I really love that one.
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