Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The man who Inhabits the Our White House

"I can fully understand why members of Congress are expressing concerns about civil liberties," the president said. "I want to make sure the American people understand, however, that we have an obligation to protect you, and we're doing that, and at the same time, protecting your civil liberties."

HOW is that? Have you locked our civil liberties up in a safe somewhere, because you've taken them away from us...


Blogger wanda said...

How this man can talk about protecting any kind of 'liberties' while at the same time defending his abuse of power in stealing those very liberties, is beyond me. Can people simply NOT see what this bunch is all about? POWER, the power to do whatever they damned well please. And voters just keep giving it right back to them.

4:49 PM, December 20, 2005  
Blogger robin andrea said...

This is driving me crazy. If our fellow citizens don't rise up and demand that this man be impeached, then our country has become something other than its original intent. We need a Democrat congress elected in 2006, otherwise there will be no checks and balances for another two years. I don't think I can take it.

9:27 PM, December 20, 2005  
Blogger TFLS said...

I heard the president of Greenpeace say today he obtained a copy of his FBI file and along with his own personal surveillance, was stunned to see a profile of one of his relatives, that persons political leanings and how those opinions might be exploited.

Since when is Greenpeace considered an affiliate of Al-Qaeda? The president of PETA said something similar happed to him as well. It's Nixon redux - welcome to the enemies list! Let’s investigate the hell out of people that oppose us! You know - the rant on my blog wasn't satire. All that really happened - including the FBI harassment. My friend was hounded because when she was in High School she attended a few meetings with a group that used to march with Chavez over boycotting grapes. When they started talking politics, she became bored (she was a kid!) and left.

This bullshit HAS to stop! It's gotten so you can hardly listen to the news any more without becoming physically ill.

And there’s my mini-rant of the day!

1:11 AM, December 21, 2005  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

Hi Wanda, you are so right - they are such power grubbers! I still maintain that he's the unelected president- I refuse to use the word to describe that sack of sh*t! The hard right is more than willing to steal and lie and cheat to get what they want. That's what it means to be a power grubber.

Hi RD, I hereby predict that in January we will see some rising up. I don't think that the moderates' constituencies will give them a pass on snooping into all of our lives. You've got to be either a cretin or literally scared out of your wits to agree with Bushco. I know they are trying to keep us(the electorate) barefoot and pregnant, with the likes of O"Rielly and Limbaugh, but this is outrageous.


I knew it was going on then, but never was personally affected(that I know of, they may have a file on me, ya never know). I think the fact that he's come right out and announced that he's doing it, he thinks it's perfectly ok, and dad gummit he's gonna go right on doing it, will end up devouring him and his administration from the inside out, like a gerbil trying to claw it's way free.

7:03 AM, December 21, 2005  
Blogger oldwhitelady said...

see, they're locked up in a safe and being protected....

Reading The Fat Lady Sings' comment, I am reminded that I stopped at a gas station, tonite, and when I came back out to my car, there was a police lady standing there. she asked me my name. I told her, "oldwhitelady:)", thinking, what the hell? but she was nice and she said she had found someone's paycheck (she had it in her hand) on the ground and was hoping to find the owner. It was not mine. It still was disconcerting.

7:45 PM, December 21, 2005  

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