I was getting in my car this morning, and the sunrise was just so pretty, I had to take some pics.

I ended up stopping on the road...

.. and this field was generating fog, and was such an eerie sight, I must have taken 10 pics.

Click on the pictures for a larger size.
Where you live is just beautiful. I love fog - anywhere, any time. It has such a romantic quality.
wow. gorgeous stuff, SB. i kinda miss snow - we're tucked into the lee of the Blue Ridge so we don't get a lot of snow - usually just nasty ice. i really hope we get some this year - especially the happy kind of snow that doesn't knock out power for four days.
meanwhile i'll have to enjoy it vicariously through you.
I'm determined to enjoy every second of the rest of my life. That said, I love the sight, smell and sound of snowfall, but I just Hate the cold. It's pretty much snatch-your-breath-away cold out there now! We're scheduled for more of the white stuff on Friday. If it's bad, I'm taking a long weekend.
*snow days* ~ the best part of winter!
So, I'm enjoying the snow, with reservations... *chuckle*
You have a keen eye for a good picture SB. I am a sun sign and look forward to a much sunnier time of year. Till then I try to stay indoors and look real busy.
Those fog pictures are just spectacular, SB. You captured that ethereal beauty. I'm so glad you stopped, and had the camera with you.
I love snow, but I don't know if I could survive in it, having lived in Texas all my life.
CharlieP - Hey, stay warm!
RD - I don't know if you can ever get it down in a picture, but I try.
DPR - That fog was so cool looking!
Lab Kat - You'd survive, (you bundle up), but you might not be happy about surviving. ;)
Wow, I love those pictures.
Would you mind if I snagged one for my desktop?
Wanda, absolutely! Copy any of my pics, and welcome! I snag ones regularly from the Dharma Bums, and Old White Lady.
Those pictures are fantastic. I like the first one, a lot. The others are beauties, too! Brrrr...
SB, I know what you mean about being determined to enjoy every second you have left. That said, I've come to realize recently that it takes a special sort of temperament to enjoy a sunrise. There's something hopeful about them that I can't quite explain. Yeah, sunsets are beautiful but mostly you don't have to work for 'em. A sunrise, though...it's the beginnings that we often miss. Thank you for sharing the lovely photos.
Woodstock, wow, You're right, and I haven't thought about that before.
But I remember my 20th birthday, and after a long night on a mountaintop, vowing to see all my sunrises from the back side (after staying up all night). The lazy woman's sunrise.
I never did arrange my life in that way, and sunrises only come to me because I have to get up early for work. Now, after all these years, I cannot stay in bed past 6am.
Sometimes unexpected consequences have an upside!
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