The Santa and Sleigh Project

This is my project for the next month or so - I have to finish by Thanksgiving, so it can go on the lawn with the Sleigh, and Reindeer.

Here I'm carefully tracing the santa image, and noting the colors.. and below, is the tracing that I have to paint. My sweetie does all the woodworking, I do all the decorating.

Hey there Gypsy!
Very nice! Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday, hands down. Though we've only lived down here a little more than 2 years, I really miss the snow. Christmas should have snow. It’s finally getting cold here, but it’s just not the same. Guess I just have to overdose on watching 'Christmas in Connecticut' this season! BTW – thanks for your nice comments on my poetry. Always appreciate your insights.
Hey FatLadySings,
I'm sure I'll have lots of snowy pics, as soon as the snow comes. Sometimes we don't get any until halfway thru January.
When I was a kid in the 60's, there was always ice on the lake before Christmas, and we all took the christmas trees and heaped them in a pile in the middle of the lake and had a bonfire and skating party on new years eve.
Then there was the hot cocoa, and the hot cider after we came in all wet and frozen..
well, how cool to finally be able to put a hairstyle with the name!
please show us pics of the finished product - i need inspiration this year for sure.
Hey SBGypsy-- It is so good to see you.
Looking forward to the pics of the finished decorations. They are going to be great.
Also can't wait to see your snow! Ah, new england in the winter.
Hey Andi, I can't wait to get it done, and see it on the lawn...
Hi RD, ...all the time I lived in LA, I longed for the seasons, the snow and all look so pretty. And, it never seemed like Christmas when I was stringing lights in my shirtsleeves. The reality is not so nice when you have to drive in it.
My long term project is convincing my sweetie that "Winter is Optional", and the farm that we both want is maybe in Or or WA or even Vancouver. Right now we're staying here in CT for his job. (5 more years) Only time will tell..
Hey SBGypsy-- I grew up in NJ, and had plenty of snow. My parents moved to California when I graduated from high school in 1970. I lived in Colorado for four years from 1981 - 1985, when I was in college at CU Boulder. Much time in the snow there as well.
This coming winter will be our second up here in the northwest. Last winter was mild, as we have been told. We had some frosts, and dustings of snow not amounting to even an inch. It is really fairly mild up here.
We had our own five year plan, and it absolutely worked out. Washington and Oregon are both beautiful places to live. British Columbia would be a fine, especially if the Republicans keep the White House and Congress in 2008.
British Columbia would be a fine, especially if the Republicans keep the White House and Congress in 2008.
That's what I was thinking!
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