I was driving to work the other day, and just had to stop to get this view. All that water vapor is rising off the stream, just beyond the row of trees.

...and right around the corner, the tortured tree is decked out in it's fall finery.

And then there's my favorite stream..
Very pretty, my dear. I love water; living where I am now makes me feel land-locked. I grew up near the sea - I miss the smell of it the most.
Loved your dragon as well. Is that a cover from a book? Who is the artist? I couldn’t really make it out. Hope you are over your cold. Out here I was told once again no flu vaccine again - third year in a row; not even for high risk people. The government didn't make it available. What a crock!
Gorgeous photos! I often see sights such as the first photo you've posted. I wish I could stop and get photos, but I'm usually in the carpool and we are on limited time. Your tortured tree looks very nice in it's fall colors. The streams are nice, too. Wonderful to see such beauty!
i think our areas of the country must change at around the same time - i'm seeing a lot of similar leaf coverage here.
yesterday afternoon i could NOT get duckie to take a nap - so i used my most powerful sleep method - i put her in a nice sun-warmed car and we took a ride around the mountains. fifteen minutes - she went back to sleep when we got home and then she was out for two hours. what bliss.
back on topic, though - i drove a route that i'd never tried before, and found a mountain view that was absolutely stunning. i thought about you and wished you were there with a camera to get the photograph. hard to believe sometimes that i live within five miles of such glory.
the bartlett pears are turning first - half and half at the moment - green on the bottom, bright red on top.
and it's cold. ok not really that cold, but we've turned the heat on. i woke up last week in a 61-degree house and said, enough is enough.
fall is here, indeed.
Hey, FLS!
The dragons are from a clip art CD that I bought awhile back. The artist is Mark Ferrari. I love his work.
Hey OWL,
I love that old tree too! It's a real survivor.
Hey Andi - I think you are a couple of weeks to a month behind us. Lucky you. We are getting frost at night now, and the leaves are falling like snow. We are bracing for a very expensive winter, and just turned the heat on when the house dropped below 58. It goes off at night, and while we are at work during the day.
I used to put my youngest to sleep like that on a regular basis! Works like a charm...
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