Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Oh, The Cold Season

I've been a little under the weather this week, and I stayed home yesterday to get a little rest, and at the same time spare my co-workers from catching my cold. Andi, over at confessions of a first-time mother was sick also, and asked me what was good for a sore throat? So, I dredged around in my memory, and came up with this recepie, which I first experienced at a solstice campout. It sounded so good, I made some for me. I had forgotten how good it really is. Soothes the throat, and gives you some good energy while you're at it.

So here goes:

Take 3-5 fresh lemons - organic if you can get them (you don't want pesticide in this), and a knob of fresh ginger about as long as your thumb.

Slice them up in 1/8" slices and throw in a pot of water - around a half gallon.
Simmer for around hour and a half to 2 hours.

Sweeten to taste with honey or maple syrup - both have lots of good minerals, and the honey is antibacterial (that may be due to the concentrated sugars, which would not apply if mixed into this tea)

Sip warm tea to soothe your throat, reduce coughing, and energise.
It really works... Hey - I'm back at work today!


Blogger starbender said...

Mmmm... That sounds fantastic! Thanks!

11:01 AM, October 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better! I liked the sound of your recipe - I could use some myself this week.

My Mother had a rather peculiar cure-all. It was when we were living in Ireland. We had just come back from visiting my Fathers side of the family, so there was a fresh (and I do mean fresh) jug of potcheen in the house. It was a cold, wet winter, and we lived right on the Atlantic. Also, it was my job to start the fires every morning, and the peat house was up the hill a bit. So I came down with a nasty, lingering bronchitis,

This meant missed school, and that didn’t happen in our house. So – Mother put me to bed; thick quilts piled high on top of me, and gave me a tall glass of ½ lemonade, ½ potcheen. That’s right – pure, unadulterated, potato made 100 proof home-made white lightening. I slept for 24 hours, woke up in a sweat-soaked bed, healthy as a horse. Go figure. Personally – I like yours much better!

9:56 PM, October 19, 2005  
Blogger andi said...

Mmmm. That does sound yummy. Better than this nasty echinacea-zinc throat spray I'm trying to choke down (which, to be fair, is actually working pretty well.)

Ginger also has a good effect on stomach troubles (nausea, especially.)

And citrus scents are good for headaches and migraines.

Good stuff. I know I'll need the recipe in another few weeks when a new bug comes along. Hopefully it won't be transmitted by birds. :(((

7:48 AM, October 20, 2005  
Blogger andi said...

oh and DUH - I'm SO glad you're feeling better!!!!!

7:48 AM, October 20, 2005  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

Starbender - welcome -

FLS - that sounds like a pretty radical cure for a kid!

Yep, feeling better, as long as I drink the tea - the downside is that it really only works on the symptoms, and you still have the cold. So, getting up is hell. I've been making a pot in the evening and warming some up first thing, sipping until my stomach settles & I can get some breakfast down.

Thanks for your good wishes, and Andi, hope you get better soon. Let me know how your singing gig comes out.

8:27 AM, October 20, 2005  
Blogger robin andrea said...

Glad you are feeling better, too!
That is a fantastic recipe. I was just thinking about those homemade elixirs. They often work in a way that most modern drugs just don't, and they rarely have weird side-effects!

4:17 PM, October 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gypsy - My Mother had lots of unconventionl ideas. She was very old world.

1:28 AM, October 21, 2005  
Blogger oldwhitelady said...

This is certainly a recipe to print out for the cold season coming up. I can get all the ingredients together ready to go.

The Fat Lady Sings - My father used to make whisky in a still down by the pond, just for his own use, mind you. He was not going to pay the price at the store when he could make it at home. When one of us kids was sick, he would drag out the whisky and tell us to take a slug of it. I don't know if it helped, and we never got drunk, and it tasted pretty nasty to a kid, but...He made wine one year, too. It wasn't bad at all.

5:54 AM, October 21, 2005  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

RD, this one's been keeping me going all week, unbelievable how much energy you get from the ginger.

DPR, Yes! the other night, I added a slug of Vodka (only non-flavored booze in stock) and what a great hot toddy it made! Nice sleep...

FLS: The old Ladies seem to have alot of knowledge that we are loosing...

OWL: Oh, yes, brought some to work (my big brother got my cold) and dosed him. He had to admit it was good, and nice on your throat, and that after laughing at me a couple of days before!
Now, I'm thinking I should bring in the stuff, and make up a big batch there, for everyone!

11:29 AM, October 22, 2005  

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