Wednesday, July 26, 2006

If ever there was a bill that cried out for veto!

"Transporting minors across state lines to bypass parental consent laws regarding abortion undermines state law and jeopardizes the lives of young women," he [President Bush] said in a statement.


WASHINGTON - An abortion bill aimed at stopping people from helping pregnant girls skirt parental-notification laws has gained passage in both houses of Congress, but sticky political and policy disputes stand between it and President Bush's desk.

Just moments after the Senate passed its version 65-34 late Tuesday — with the support of 14 Democrats — Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., used a procedural motion to halt its progress.

Moreover, there are significant differences between the Senate bill and the House version passed last year.

Note to Chimpy McFlight Suit:

The first cause of death for pregnant women is the man who made them pregnant.

The second cause of death for women who are pregnant is the pregnancy itself.

A first trimester abortion is an office procedure, is done on an outpatient basis, and is much safer than pregnancy.

read the whole article here


Blogger DivaJood said...

Right. Regulate a human body. Have you been over to Glenda in the Land of Oz? Maybe our government will start stoning women who've been raped.

3:10 PM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger oldwhitelady said...

They don't care about the life of the girl/woman, herself. They just love the ability to force her to do what they SAY. Bastards!

9:17 PM, July 26, 2006  

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