Friday, September 14, 2007

Environmentalists 1, Automakers 0

In a crucial ruling on the global warming issue, a federal judge said Wednesday that regulations adopted by Connecticut and 12 other states to curb greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light trucks don't conflict with federal law.

Judge William K. Sessions III, of U.S. District Court in Burlington, Vt., ruled against the auto industry on every point in its attempt to block implementation of the rules, which are aimed at reducing global warming.


Sessions discounted the automakers' claims that complying with the regulations would be technologically and economically unfeasible. "It is improbable that an industry that prides itself on its modernity, flexibility and innovativeness will be unable to meet the requirements of the regulation," he wrote.

Thank goodness we still have some judges with common sense left on the bench.

Read the whole article here.


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