On Being A Liberal
...there is NOTHING SHAMEFUL OR WRONG about being a LIBERAL, and the extent to which we have, as LIBERALS, caved to the Neocons use of LIBERAL as a PEJORATIVE (a pejorative is a very negative word, like Asshole, Lickspittle, or Towelhead), and the way we, as LIBERALS, have Distanced Ourselves from the word LIBERAL, is…is……SO CANDY-ASS !!!
I mean COME ON! We have GOT to stop being such CANDY-ASSES!!!! Not everyone in the world has to “like” us. We are already RIGHT. We should be saying, “FUCK YOU! That’s RIGHT I’m a GODDAM LIBERAL!!! I actually believe that sick people should get healthcare, starving people should be fed, and children should get a free (and excellent) education! I believe that War should only be a last resort, and there is NO EXCUSE for aggressively invading another country! Oh and I believe that FEMALE HUMAN BEINGS are real people, and even GAY people are HUMAN BEINGS and all should be treated EQUALLY under the law!! I believe that INDUSTRY MUST be Regulated, and that the profit motive cannot be the SOLE GOOD in our society!
Like Ryan says - Time to stop being such CANDY-ASSES!
Hear, hear! I read it too. It's great!
Isn't that the truth? Liberal is not a bad word. Liberalism is not a bad thing. Embrace it.
I'm Liberal, and I'm proud. Good one, SB.
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