Bush Pushes Health Savings Plan in Conn

Bushco was here yesterday to pimp his new smokescreen.
The problem with Bush is that he's cried wolf way too many times for us to believe a word that falls out of his mouth. He's proved himself so incompetent that my son came to me yesterday and said "So, what's wrong with my insurance, Chimpy is pushing it." My son so insisted that his insurance was now defective that I had to do a comparison.
I have insurance provided by my hubby's employer. I just ended up in a walk-in clinic with a sinus infection on a Saturday. I paid my $75.00 co-pay, and I just got a bill for the rest of the $140.00 : seems I have a personal $500.00 deductible. That means I pay all this with the sixty Cents on the dollar that I get after taxes. Our insurance policy, self insured by a world class corporation, pays a percentage after the co-pay and deductible. I have no real limit on the amount of money I'm liable for. Also, because the Corp self insures, they can legally say "we don't pay for: HIV, AIDS, brain tumors, etc etc etc". And, they can tell me which doctors I can choose from. If my preferred doc is not on the list, I get to pay all. And, I cannot have a health savings account, because I have too small of a deductible.
In contrast, my son's insurance starts at $1500.00, and covers EVERYTHING after that. He has a medical savings account for his normal doctor visits and dental, but if something really bad ever happens, he's only liable for $1500 a year. And, he pays for the rest BEFORE taxes.
Oh, yeah, and his policy costs about one tenth what ours costs. Course, he's in his twenties, and we're in our fifties.
Chimpy must have gotten this idea from somebody else...
You know - anything that man says is immediately suspect. You just figure there's a profit somewhere for one of his cronies that we're missing! You know - your insurance sounds suspiciously like mine. We each have a $500 deductible, separate co-pay for every doctor visit - and here's the scary part - we are liable for a sliding percentage of every other service - AND we’re charged separately for blood work, x-rays etc. I haven't received the bill yet from my back going out. I don't know how we'd afford surgery, should it become necessary. And I'm not even talking about dental, eyesight or meds! Lord, honey; how are we all gonna get by when we're REALLY old?
We have catastrophic health insurance as part of my retirement package. We don't pay for the coverage, but we do have a $3000 deductibe (each), and a long list of Dos and Don'ts. We never go to the doctor, which is why catastrophic insurance is the least effective way to provide health care. Most people will stay away from the doctor so they won't have to pay the deductible out of pocket expense. Thereby insuring that preventable diseases will become the catastrophic event.
This country needs a single-payer system modeled on Medicare. Any plan that puts insurance between me and my healthcare provider is just there to make that middleman a lot of money at my expense.
I agree, RD - access to medical care is one of the reasons we plan on spending our retirement in Nova Scotia. We're doing it properly - with lawyers to boot; so there won’t be any problems. We will rely on what American coverage we have, of course; but just in case of something catastrophic, we'll be somewhere they won't let us die on the streets! (Plus Nova Scotia is one of the most beautiful places in the world - we are in love with the entire are!).
Shrub is scheduled to appear in Mo, next week. I'm hoping I'm not on the road anywhere near the travelcade. I hear that the road gets blocked for hours. It hasn't been made public on how he's gtting to whereever he's going to speechify. I have to go to the doctor that day, so I might just take the whole day off.
Hi Gypsy,
Thanks for commenting at my new site. I hope you'll pop in frequently. I'm adding you to my blogroll. I hope that's okay. I'd love it, if you'd include me on your list. See you at The Green Knight and hopefully Mona Lisa's Secret!
Shrub is not capable of a good idea.... only stealing those of others.
He's basically throwing shit against the wall these days and not even that is sticking.
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