I've been meaning to get some pics of this rock, while it still had ice and snow on it - too late! I spent a good half hour clicking away all over this one, I'll have to do another post on just this outcrop.

The weather went from sunny and 63 degrees, to threatening, just in the hour it took to drive home.

The final rays of the setting sun, falling over field and pond...

...and finally, can you see anything special in this picture?

Me neither ;-)
*as usual, click on the pics for a larger view
Gorgeous! Even without the snow and ice, that rock is neato! The sky looks like you were going to have a storm. It's a great picture, and great weather to stay inside, curled up with a good book! I really enjoyed those! ...and that last one, it's special because it has my initials in it. Do you see them?
OWL, I knew you'd find something special in that! LOL
I love that reflection photo. It's a beauty. Nice rock and sky too.
I didn't see anything special in the last photo, but that must be because I have no imagination! Dang.
Hey, RD!
Some people just have too much imagination... they see the baby jeebus or the VM everywhere! Me, I just see dirty snow... ;)
That outcropping is my favorite as well. So much character - and you really framed it beautifully. You know - whenever I take pictures – it’s either of my critters, or nature. That’s why I always love to come here, or to OWL's or Dharma Bums – I can count on finding something to soothe the soul.
Never been here before. I like your photos.
It looks like you fixed your blog! I knew you could do it! Yay!!!! :)
Hey, FLS! I just love sharing pics!
Welcome to my campfire Kathleen, hope you come by often!
Hey OWL, wooo hoooo!!!! I checked it last week, and it was still broken.
I've been studying xhtml, but this blog's template is not in xhtml, so nothing i was reading applied. I had decided that I should just design one from scratch, (like the big boys do.... heh heh) but, now that it's fixed (it must have been blogger, 'cause I never got around to fixing anything), and I no longer have the time pressure... It may never come about. I'm just about the worst procrastinator ever!
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