Birds at the Feeder

OK, I really have no idea what kind of birds these are, but my sweetie really loves to watch them. He has his room set up so he can sit in bed, and watch the TV, and keep an eye on the birds all the while. They come in twos and threes, swooping across the yard to land on the feeder & the windowsill. Beautiful white underwings. I tried for about 15 min to get an in flight pic, but my camera is just not fast enough. In the pics that did get the flight, it's just a ghost smeared across the pic. Oh well.

This one is such a piggy!
I wish I could help you identify this bird. I can't tell what it is because I can't see its face. It does look cute thoughsvvw
Yikes, that last word there was supposed to be "though". Somehow letters from the word verification ended up in the comments. Weird.
What nice pictures. I still have to put up my birdfeeder, but until I get that done, it's nice to be able to come over here and at Dharma Bums to see the birds.
Hey RD, OWL,
As soon as the feeder went up a month ago, the birds came flocking around. They are so cute, and sometimes we get bluejays - what showoffs, and so beautiful!
Rexroth wants to know what kind of bird. What you have there is a tufted titmouse a frequent visiter to feeders in this area. Love to feed them myself and they have been very hungry lately.
I have a birdbath on my back deck. My office window is located right nearby. Every afternoon I am treated to bird central, as about a dozen or more line up for their bath. Mostly Purple Martins - such pretty birds. Those pics you took were great. It really feeds the soul to look out on such things, doesn't it?
Hey CharlieP, Thanks - I told hubby: titmouse - that got a chuckle!
Absolutely, FLS - love to watch the greedy lil' buggers chowing down!
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