Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sustainable, Indeed

Community Garden Promotes Sustainable Living
By Frank Ruggiero

Matt Cooper doesn’t intend to simply cultivate a community garden, but to cultivate a legacy of sustainability.

Matt Cooper, founder of the Appalachian Cooperative for Progressive Sustainability, is making plans for a community garden.

Cooper, founder of the Appalachian Cooperative for Progressive Sustainability (ACPS), literally a nonprofit organization in the making, approached the Boone Town Council last week, requesting to lease space off Leola Street in Boone to start a community garden.

The key word is “community,” in that anyone will be able to participate in the venture, be it tilling soil, planting seeds, harvesting crops or buying produce.

The garden will also serve as an educational resource for community members, students and children, where one can learn about agriculture, vermiculture (worm studies) and sustainability, as well as the primary differences separating organic foods from the processed variety.

Now, this is a truly sustainable and ingenious way to build a prosperous community! You get a lease that's so cheap that it's laughable from the local government, grow food and stuff that you can sell. Then you take the proceeds, buy solar panels for your fav charities, and get them off the grid, and (eventually) into a position where the charities are being paid for the electricity they generate! Kudos to Matt Cooper!!
(click on "garden" in the title to go to the original article.)


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