Sunday, July 10, 2005

Energy Independence

I just read an article published in President Bush Sr.'s term called Energy Farming In America By Lynn Osburn. It lays out a complete analysis, with the pros, cons, and difficulties of transforming our energy economy from non-renewable over to renewable.

Needless to say, the time frames discussed in the article are from the 1989 perspective, and saw the change-over as possible by the yr 2000. That pretty much tells me that we could have it up and running by 2010 -2015 if we really pushed hard, and fully funded the enterprise.

The money is there, Bush Jr. has earmarked billions of dollars in our energy bill, for the oil companies to search for new sources of petroleum. I say the new sources should be renewable, and they should be based here in the United States, to fully employ American workers.

As a republican ad campaign of a few years ago informed us "It's our money, not the IRS's", ...and not the oligarchie's. We should get to say where it's spent.

Would you rather open our treasury to the pillaging of the big oil companies, or would you invest in oil independence, while simultaneously reducing CO2 emmissions?

I for one, value independence and meeting our problems head on, over war and pillage any day.


Blogger andi said...

I JUST had a conversation with a co-worker about this not five minutes ago and ended up, as usual, jumping up and down on my imaginary soap-box.

Horses. I live in the country. I want horses. I want everybody to abandon their cars and ride horses or bikes. For long-distance travel we could use biodiesel-adapted buses or trains.

My co-worker, with admirable understanding of my manic mood, said, "We'd all be thinner and healthier!"

I said in response, "Yeah, and America can stop being a big fat stinking whore!"


Sometimes I go too far.

Anyway, got to your blog via the DW message board. Like it.

11:15 AM, July 15, 2005  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

Hi Andi,

Thanks for the read, I too go overboard sometimes... and I agree with your co-worker, we would all probably be thinner and healthier if our world was run in a more sustainable manner.

But the "four horses"(of the apocalypse) are on their way, and with their help, everything will be sorted out - although not to OUR profit, I think!

11:27 AM, July 15, 2005  

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