Sunday, October 22, 2006

Renaissance Faire : Arms & Armour

For my final Ren Faire post (I know y'all are probably real tired of this) I present the Human chess game. The rules are much the same as chess, with people taking the place of the chess pieces on a big chessboard drawn in the grass. The difference is that the plays count on the outcome of the contest that ensues when a player tries to capture the opponent's chess piece. Yep, that's right - the board area is cleared, and the human chess pieces engage in single combat for the contested square. So, here we present:

Sir Lancelot in blue, top right, playing King with his Queen.
Some of his players are in the foreground.

The Challenger, who has a grievance against Sir Lancelot - he abused and killed her father.

King Arthur presides as judge and umpire of the proceedings.

The black knight concedes defeat after being disarmed.

King Arthur, stepping in as champion, takes on his jester.

The chambermaid, in green, was called to fight the doughty warrior, and petitioned the judge, King Arthur, for a champion. He allowed her the help of a previously wounded combatant, so it's tag team time.

I took staff fighting class when I was into Kung Fu, And yes you can defeat a sword with a
Long Staff!

Dame Fiona, who jousted in the lists with Sir Lancelot, and sadly, lost.

The Armorer. We hung out and watched him for awhile.

The armorer's tools. He had coals glowing in the drysink next to the tools. I've never seen a fire hot enough to do soldering and bend steel in a wooden box!

This suit of armor no longer fits the owner, but it looks good just hangin' there.


Blogger andi said...

*jumping up and down*

i used to do that! i used to do that!!!!!! no seriously, i did, and i was a kick-ass fighter, too! staff, sword & dagger, plain ol' fists and feet, you name it, i was up for anything.

i miss it sometimes. it was a great way to unleash aggression and rage (which is likely why i was good at it:)

12:16 PM, October 26, 2006  
Blogger TFLS said...

Andi - were you in the SCA? I never fought - but I do know how to make chain mail - both single and double. Time consuming - but fun and relaxing, actually. There are two kinds of closure on the links - the easier clamping ‘em shut with pliers - and the MUCH more labor intensive soldering. You buy soldered chain mail and you're gonna shell out a fortune! Cool pictures, Gypsy. Looks like you had lots of fun.

5:25 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

We did have a great time. Hubby is even up for going again next year!

10:07 AM, November 17, 2006  

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