Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Open Letter to Pres Obama

Dear Mr President,

We hired YOU to fight for US in Washington.

First You negotiate away all of our most important ideas - Medicare for all, adequate stimulus, tax the rich... then you "put on the table" our most cherished programs - Social Security, Medicare, support for the destitute...

Now you want US to fight the republicans for YOU? have you not been listening and learning these last three years? The republicans do what their corporate overlords want as expressed through their oracle the tea party. They don't even listen to their own constituents, why would they listen to an out of state liberal?

I thought that fighting for Democratic values was YOUR job. YOU have the bully pulpit.

If you don't want to do the job, please step down so someone else with intact balls could do it. Maybe we could get Alan Grayson or Mr Weiner to fight for our values. At least they know what the Democratic Party stands for.

Signed: Who's our champion now

I swear, if a real progressive populist would throw his/her hat in the ring, I'd vote for them without a second thought.


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