Saturday, August 06, 2005

Gay Marraige - what's all the hoohoo about, anyway?

The United Church of Christ became the first mainline denomination to support same-sex marriage as a civil right this past weekend. The decision is likely to further polarize conservative and liberal congregations, church leaders in Connecticut and elsewhere say.
.............from a couple of weeks ago

My husband's church is part of this churchly alliance, and the decision of the church's General Synod in Atlanta has caused some soul searching in the local congregation. The reactions vary from enthusiastic endorsement, thru hesitant habituation, to displeased divergency. I couldn't relate to all the hoohoo.

To me, it's simple: marraige is the highest expression of the love between two people, and anyone who wants to limit it is acting against that expression of love. The expression of love is the highest virtue of the human race. Hence, to paraphrase our monkey in chief, you're either for people living with Love, or.....

To analyse it further, lets look at it in another context. The human race is fast reproducing ourselves right out of resources. (overpopulation) We should be limiting our reproduction, not enshrining the capacity! We should be giving Kudos to those who for whatever reason, decide not to procreate. The gay community would logically be more prone to be childless than the hetero would...

Here's a controversial idea that is probably not workable, but... Perhaps we should assign each person the right to parent one child. That would be replacement rate minus a few each generation. Slowly we would achieve sustainability. For people who do not want to exercise that right, they could give or sell their right to others who want more than two. They would perhaps be choosy about who they assigned that right to. They might want to stay in communication with the family and "their" child - as an auntie or uncle. We might have more communication between people with different viewpoints, and more tolerance and consideration between people.

Or, how about this one: Marriage is of primary benefit to the children of the marraige. It makes it more probable that those children have more than one adult supporting them(in every way). There is currently no law(that I know of) that prohibits anyone from reproducing. A lesbian couple could both get themselves knocked up any day of the week, and there are a couple of different ways that gay men could and do end up with custody of children. Therefore, if marraige is good for the children concerned, it is our duty as a society to allow them that protection.

Now, perhaps we can look at it from the perspective of our closest mammalian example in terms of hunting methods: the wolf pack. Homo Sapiens hunter gatherer culture is most like a wolf pack, and canine methods of hunting are closest to prehistoric human methods. In a wolf pack, there are only two breeders, the alpha female, and the alpha male. The rest of the pack plays with the babies, provides for the babies, watches over the babies, and disciplines the babies. What was that old saw about " takes a village..."

And how about this one: ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL!!! What right does anyone have to deny some of us comfort and happiness for any bogus reason?

...and Finally: The surest way to know that you've got your head stuck waaay up your ass is when for you to be happy someone else has to be miserable.


Blogger oldwhitelady said...

We should be giving Kudos to those who for whatever reason, decide not to procreate. The gay community would logically be more prone to be childless than the hetero would.

Yes, that is for sure. Also, many gay couples are adopting children who haven't a good home. That works, nicely. Sure, their parents are the same sex, but I bet their parents aren't beating on each other..and children. A lesbian couple, I know well, are adopting a little boy. They have to think everything over, twice, before doing it since they want the adoption to go through. They are decent people and have fostered several children who have been taken (temporarily) away from parents needing to change their ways.

6:08 PM, August 06, 2005  
Blogger SB Gypsy said...

Hey OWL,
I've always thought that the love you express in your life is more important than any details of your sex life.

And it never ceases to amaze me how this issue can turn the smartest and otherwise kindest of people into mush heads.

1:34 AM, August 07, 2005  

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